
Good Food: Chia: Chocolate Tapioca Pudding

Here is a cross-post from my comment to a delightful written debate on the merits of chia, a food I have been eating for well over two years.  I'm disappointed that the Paleo gentleman touts flax seed over chia seed. I have personally experienced problems with flax and none with chia. Neither of them are suitable for DHA supplementation imho. I think chia’s greatest benefit is as fiber. I have two servings per day of the following. 

//Update 2012-1020: Amazing Grass changed their product for the worse by adding stevia/etc and fortunately reversed their decision recently and stamped the new tins "You have good taste"!

Recipe: “Chocolate Tapioca Pudding”
8oz mug
2 scoops of Chia Seed (not milled/powder) (any kind seems fine. I like RenewLife's slightly best of all, but I normally buy on price, eg below)
2 scoops of Amazing Grass Chocolate Greens Powder
Add a small bit of water. Mix carefully to remove lumps. Gradually mix in more water to fill the 8oz container. Let stand 5 minutes for the chia to swell; stir again.

This recipe, imho, is safe for diabetic/hypoglycemic/oversensitive types such as myself a couple of years back when almost everything disagareed with me. Having this item as a “treat” (I couldn’t eat too much even of this) was something that saved my sanity! Here are urls for products I have bought;

The debate on chia’s healthfulness is here:
My remark is:
Dr. Cordain of the Paleo diet challenges Dr. Coates to provide proof via studies that chia is healthy to consume. Although clinical studies are nice, why doesn’t the fact that the Aztecs raised it for years and venerated it count for anything? Wikipedia summarizes: “Folklore attests it was cultivated by the Aztec in pre-Columbian times, and was so valued that it was given as an annual tribute by the people to the rulers.[2][3]” http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Salvia_hispanica
Human studies of nutrition are notoriously difficult to do and control. The problem and also the benefit of food-based medicine like chia is that it is powerful yet subtle. To detect such subtle effects, imho, almost mandates collecting reams of data.
In the end, is it worth it? Chia is a food. Try it, maybe you’ll like it. Otherwise you spent $10, and in the USA we can all afford that risk. Also, if you don’t like it, be sure to give it to one of us afficionados!
Thank you Mr. Mendosa for a wonderfully rational pro/con blogpost.


Aphoristic Definitions with Usefulness Notes about Energy Mysticism, Objectivism, EEM, Astrology.

Here are my aphorisms/definitions for a few key terms that will be appearing in this blog (I may improve/edit them in the future):

* An Energy Mystic is one who, through the evidence of his own senses, perceives and uses subtle but real information about micro-weather patterns and other signals [1] to enhance his life. This type of mystic is NOT mystical in the classic philosophical sense which holds that mysticism is blind reliance on facts that are exclusively perceived by others. I now consider myself one of this category of people, as of ~2010.0626Saturday.

* An Objectivist is one who agrees with all the essential elements of Ayn Rand’s philosophy. Those tenets are, in brief: that reality has primacy over consciousness, ie it is real and consciousness is the act of apprehending it, not the other way around; that thinking must proceed by logical thought based on the evidence of the senses; that the need for ethics only arises in the course of an individual’s choice to live and that rational selfishness is thus a virtue; and that the social covenants of politics must uphold an individual’s right to liberty and property by protecting him from the initiation of force and fraud against his chosen quest for life. I have been an Objectivist for many years. As soon as I read Atlas Shrugged, I realized I had just read the greatest novel ever written. I immediately reread it to find John Galt, and then I started really living life, because Ms. Rand convinced me that yes, I can truly succeed in life.

* Donna Eden’s Energy Medicine (EEM) [2] is a system for self-care, bodily systems improvement, and relaxation that uses Ms. Eden’s observations and summaries about the micro-weather patterns in living bodies in crafting techniques for improving health. It is a system that is under the rubric of alternative health care, but it does not operate by the method of diagnosing and treatment of diseases and symptoms. Instead, it works by strengthening the body’s responses and abilities. I am becoming certified in this discipline and am due to be completed in 2012; I'm taking the training primarily in order to expeditiously improve my own health.

* Astrology is the nearly-arbitrary art of describing the impact of micro-weather patterns that arise from planetary signatures on the conditions, but not the outcomes, of earthly events, especially those involving interpersonal relations. Outcomes are never pre-determined by astrology, despite how it might have been misused in the Middle Ages and elsewhere. Free will determines human outcomes. Astrology is helpful in two ways. First, its language offers a poetic and respectful way to describe and discuss possible and actual character faults, which may then be examined and corrected in a benevolent atmosphere [3]. Secondly, various astrological analyses, such as of opportunity periods [4] and trends, often prove valuable for clarifying one’s goals (such as by brainstorming and choosing specific task orderings) and achieving those goals with more ease (such as by making allowances for random problems and peace with one’s coping strategies). Note that both the task of self-change, particularly involving psychological/emotional issues, and the task of setting and acting on goals can often be fraught with either difficult conversations or difficult thinking. Properly used, astrology helps one focus more intently on doing the thinking that is required while at the same time flipping the emotional tone to ease and joy. I now consider myself a professional astrologer, as of perhaps 2008, but I will never be conventionally certified.

TODO Tell how I stumbled into Energy Mysticism.
TODO Maybe I should write about how I am an atheist.

[1] I purposefully use a vague description here, ie “micro-weather patterns and possibly other signals” because the exact nature of these signals is not yet scientifically defined, and the signals are usually perceived differently by each person. The problem is that I wish to define a type of extrasensory perception that is accessible to me personally, but I want to describe what is true for a class of people like me and yet I am too new and overwhelmed by the area to be a completely reliable observer in this regard.

[2] Donna Eden and her husband have been touring the world since they wrote her first book together.

Donna Eden - 5 Min. Energy Routine
07:58 - 4 years ago
Donna Eden - 5 Min. Energy Routine Highly Recommendend Daily Exercises for the Human Energy Fields. See http://www.innersource.net/ for more information.

[3] As Dr. Ellen Kenner has said on many occasions, to solve psychological issues regarding yourself or others: “become a detective and pursue your clues.”

[4] Astrological opportunity periods, defined by Jim Shawvan, are brief times when it is easier to be calm while having a difficult conversation, for example.
Finding Opportunity Periods  by Jim Shawvan

Actual finish time: 9.33pm.

On Outsourcing, AKA: In NYC, routine tasks are an exciting adventure.

I was most pleased to have my fellow subway platform-pacer make my acquaintance once our car arrived and started moving.  Alas I was not able to have much of a talk because my stop was the first one. This conversation really made my day special. I’m sorry I may not meet him again!

TallDarkHandsomeCheerful> So, I was reading this article in Harvard Business Review [1]. 
me: Note to Self: I think I'll just keep my sunglasses on in case he is mixing me up with someone else and would end this fun conversation! 
TallDarkHandsomeCheerful> You know that argument that business makes? That outsourcing is good for profits and productivity because now better qualified people in Asia and India can do these jobs? Well, I was thinking, why not apply that logic to the corporate elite? Why not outsource top managment’s jobs also? What would they think of that? Shouldn’t we just take all their arguments and say yes to all of them just like that!?
me, giggling> Hey, that’s an argument in favor of low tariffs as well: if outsourcing is good then it’s good to lower the barrier to entry.
TallDarkHandsomeCheerful, smiling> And I just hate those arguments for outsourcing.
me> Well, you know actually, that argument is saying that you want to be in charge of other people’s decisions, and that’s wrong. After all, if I start a company and I make enough profit to hire you, then I can choose whether to keep hiring you or somebody else in India, right?
TallDarkHandsomeCheerful> Yes, but,
me> But the thing is that it’s the owner’s choice to decide who to hire. It’s not up to you to make the owner’s decisions.
me (I think I might not have finished this thought?)> And he is the source, he is the one that made up the business so of course you can’t outsource him.
TallDarkHandsomeCheerful> I disagree...
me> Oh, I'm sorry, I have to go, this is my stop!

[1] Possibly Mr. TallDarkHandsomeCheerful was referring to the following article.
3:00 PM Tuesday October 26, 2010   by Bruce Nussbaum |Comments (20)
Is What's Good for Corporate America Still Good For America?

Walmart: NYC here we come? Feb 3 hearing.

I was delighted to read that there is a new chance that the New York City
area, specifically East New York, a part of Brooklyn, will finally have a
Walmart store. The city council is preparing to consider the question of
"allowing" such a hypothetical Walmart to set up shop at their February 3rd
meeting. Walmart has politely declined to attend, saying that they have not
yet determined to build a store. The real reason for their decline may be
that the particular property in question is clear of any requirement to be
under the thumb of the City Council. Of course, the pols are not letting
that detail stand in their way: after all, the developer, Related
Companies, which is planning to open the GatewayII mall, "frequently has
other projects before the Council".

If you are as excited about having a Walmart in the city as I am (toys!
tech gadgets on the cheap!), please sign the electronic petition in its
favor, which is currently running 70% in favor of the idea.

TODO's []physicist []jking []brainiac

[]physicist; long talk re CU, got hmm after nearly ending on his lack of faith. Subsequently: "Going to lunch, to Unbind my Capitalism!"
[]jKing; trust that the paper cup provides a drinkable object vs trust of govt.
[]brainiac; AR's ideas are novel.

[]tagcloud; []categories must organize/determine.  []get the tool.


Scorecard: USA is far less free in 2010 than 2003.

USA is far less free in 2010 than 2003.

Today I read that FreedomHouse [1] reported that there is slightly less freedom in the world than last year. I read their data and did not find the facts they presented compelling. However, one thing did leap out at me: an error.

They claim according to their survey methods that freedom in the USA has increased, both between 2003-2007 and 2007-2011. Considering election frauds perpetrated by Acorn [2], Obamacare, car care, bank bailout care, the banning of lightbulbs, the increased powers authorized to the FDA, etc. I think they are missing the big picture. 

Given their methdology [3], here are my notes on the period from 2003-2011. 

A. Electoral Process
1,2,3. ... free and fair elections? GRADE=B- There is fear about this where there never used to be. WAS=A.

B. Political Pluralism and Participation
1. ...is the system open to the rise and fall of these competing parties or groupings? GRADE=D, WAS=C. Third parties do not stand a chance. Reagan debated a third party, now that cannot happen.
2. Is there a significant opposition vote... GRADE=B no change.
3. Are the people's political choices free from domination by the military, foreign powers, totalitarian parties, religious hierarchies, economic oligarchies, or any other powerful group? = WRONG QUESTION, omits government omnipresence. REWORD, TODO.
4. Do cultural, ethnic, religious, and other minority groups = WRONG QUESTION.

C. Functioning of Government
1. Do freely elected representatives determine the policies of the government? GRADE=A, no change.
2. Is the government free from pervasive corruption? GRADE=B, WAS=A-.
3. Is the government accountable to the electorate between elections, and does it operate with openness and transparency? GRADE=E, WAS=D. Thousands of pages of impenetrable omnibus bills passed with only an hour or so of “reading”. I can say with certainty government is not open.


D. []TODO 
D. Freedom of Expression and Belief
1. Are there free and independent media and other forms of cultural expression?
(Note: in cases where the media are state-controlled but offer pluralistic points of view, the survey gives the system credit.)
2. Are there free religious institutions, and is there free private and public religious expression?
3. Is there academic freedom, and is the educational system free of extensive political indoctrination?
4. Is there open and free private discussion?
E. Associational and Organizational Rights
1. Is there freedom of assembly, demonstration, and open public discussion?
2. Is there freedom of political or quasi-political organization? (Note: this includes political parties, civic organizations, ad hoc issue groups, etc.)
3. Are there free trade unions and peasant organizations or equivalents, and is there effective collective bargaining? Are there free professional and other private organizations?

F. Rule of Law
1. Is there an independent judiciary?
2. Does the rule of law prevail in civil and criminal matters? Are police under direct civilian control?
3. Is there protection from police terror, unjustified imprisonment, exile, or torture, whether by groups that support or oppose the system? Is there freedom from war and insurgencies?
4. Is the population treated equally under the law?

G. Personal Autonomy and Individual Rights
1. Is there personal autonomy? Does the state control travel, choice of residence, or choice of employment? Is there freedom from indoctrination and excessive dependency on the state?
2. Do citizens have the right to own property and establish private businesses? Is private business activity unduly influenced by government officials, the security forces, or organized crime?
3. Are there personal social freedoms, including gender equality, choice of marriage partners, and size of family?
4. Is there equality of opportunity and the absence of economic exploitation?

[1] The PDF map showing change in freedom and the links to the article and report.

On January 13, Freedom House hosted event to launch the findings of Freedom in the World 2011, its annual survey of global political rights and civil liberties. According to the findings, 2010 was the fifth consecutive year in which global freedom suffered a declinethe longest period of setbacks for freedom in the nearly 40-year history of the report.

The Complete Guide to ACORN Voter Fraud
They register dead people. But that's not all.
October 14, 2008 - by Jim Hoft

Methodology ; see the Checklists at the end of the long page.

About The word "Cantique" and This blog.

Many years ago I had a newsletter called Cantique Connection, whose purpose was to publish news and social information for Objectivists (Ayn Rand fans). 

Its name was invented by me. I did quite a bit of research to discover what words existed that matched my sense of life, but none of the options were suitable. Instead, I invented my own word, based on the old English word "cantie", which I found in a lovely book, Lost Beauties of the English Language [1]. My defnition of "Cantique" was "A Cheerful and Productive Way of Life." The newsletter's purpose was to connect people who shared such a view of life, thus "Cantique Connection."

Times have changed! First of all, the internet will quickly show that my "discovery" was preceded many years by the French, who define a cantique as a reverent song. That is such a wonderful complement to my definition. Thus the word "cantique" means both the philosophy and the sense of life of a hero. (In my view, the philosophy of a hero is well described by Ayn Rand [2].)

Secondly, several of my major goals from that era were achieved: Objectivists have more of a benevolent universe outlook; more ability to find each other; and more outlets for publishing stories. My friends and community of Objectivists are far more cheerful today than ever before. There are even rare posts about good news in politics, bright spots! We all agree that the world is, in many ways, worse than before (eg far more regulation in the USA), but our outlook is better. We are also far more connected than ever before. Now that we have the internet, twitter, facebook, etc etc, all like-minded people can find each other faster than ever. The internet also enables us each to self-publish, to the degree of our abilities and desire. Of course, I like to think my newsletter had a part in the upswing, and it did. Many more thank you's deserve to go to the Ayn Rand Institute [3], whose essay contests [4] and marketing efforts have been dramatically successful. ARI's current President and Executive Director, Yaron Brook, is an excellent public speaker [5].

Thus, gone are those purposes on my part! This site is instead dedicated to sharing my own individual "news". I'll try to include any of my conversations in which I try to help change my little corner of the world by getting a "hmm" [6] every so often in everyday life. I might also occasionally post a blip about the news. 

It appears likely that my most significant contribution to the conversation is no longer directly with my Objectivist friends but rather in bringing Objectivism to my (new) Mystic friends! I think we can forge a strong agreement on the definition and moral value of properly upholding political freedom. Wish me luck, but be sure you do so on a new moon - this is a fresh start, don't you know? :) 


2. For details about the philosophy and a concrete example, try these links.
 What Is Romanticism?” The Romantic Manifesto, 100.
 The Romanticists did not present a hero as a statistical average, but as an abstraction of man’s  best and highest potentiality, applicable to and achievable by all men, in various degrees,  according to their individual choices.

4. If you have not read Atlas Shrugged, it is the kind of riveting tale that often changes a person's life.

5. Some of Dr. Brook's work is available in online video format.

UFM.edu - Interview with Yaron Brook
What is Capitalism?

Yaron Brook's Keynote Address at July 4 (2009) Boston Tea Party Protest (Part 1 of 2)
“Happy fourth. It’s a bit of a sad fourth; it’s a sad fourth because there’s a tea party going on. You know, we had a tea party once; Boston had a tea party. It should have been the last time this country had ever seen a tea party; because as a consequence of that tea party, this country - the greatest country in the history of man - was created.  That should have been it. We shouldn’t need this. This is tragic, this is sad, and we should be angry that we need a tea party today...”

6. Alas I do not think you can hear online the treatise on why the best one should hope for in a discussion with someone who initially disagrees with you is a "hmm."

Understanding Objectivism (CD) by Leonard Peikoff
If you are having difficulty understanding the philosophy of Ayn Rand—Dr. Peikoff helps you integrate her philosophy into your own knowledge. The course includes theory, demonstrations and exercises. Each lecture includes a Q & A session.
(Audio CD; 22-CD set; 26 hrs., 13 min.)