
Aphoristic Definitions with Usefulness Notes about Energy Mysticism, Objectivism, EEM, Astrology.

Here are my aphorisms/definitions for a few key terms that will be appearing in this blog (I may improve/edit them in the future):

* An Energy Mystic is one who, through the evidence of his own senses, perceives and uses subtle but real information about micro-weather patterns and other signals [1] to enhance his life. This type of mystic is NOT mystical in the classic philosophical sense which holds that mysticism is blind reliance on facts that are exclusively perceived by others. I now consider myself one of this category of people, as of ~2010.0626Saturday.

* An Objectivist is one who agrees with all the essential elements of Ayn Rand’s philosophy. Those tenets are, in brief: that reality has primacy over consciousness, ie it is real and consciousness is the act of apprehending it, not the other way around; that thinking must proceed by logical thought based on the evidence of the senses; that the need for ethics only arises in the course of an individual’s choice to live and that rational selfishness is thus a virtue; and that the social covenants of politics must uphold an individual’s right to liberty and property by protecting him from the initiation of force and fraud against his chosen quest for life. I have been an Objectivist for many years. As soon as I read Atlas Shrugged, I realized I had just read the greatest novel ever written. I immediately reread it to find John Galt, and then I started really living life, because Ms. Rand convinced me that yes, I can truly succeed in life.

* Donna Eden’s Energy Medicine (EEM) [2] is a system for self-care, bodily systems improvement, and relaxation that uses Ms. Eden’s observations and summaries about the micro-weather patterns in living bodies in crafting techniques for improving health. It is a system that is under the rubric of alternative health care, but it does not operate by the method of diagnosing and treatment of diseases and symptoms. Instead, it works by strengthening the body’s responses and abilities. I am becoming certified in this discipline and am due to be completed in 2012; I'm taking the training primarily in order to expeditiously improve my own health.

* Astrology is the nearly-arbitrary art of describing the impact of micro-weather patterns that arise from planetary signatures on the conditions, but not the outcomes, of earthly events, especially those involving interpersonal relations. Outcomes are never pre-determined by astrology, despite how it might have been misused in the Middle Ages and elsewhere. Free will determines human outcomes. Astrology is helpful in two ways. First, its language offers a poetic and respectful way to describe and discuss possible and actual character faults, which may then be examined and corrected in a benevolent atmosphere [3]. Secondly, various astrological analyses, such as of opportunity periods [4] and trends, often prove valuable for clarifying one’s goals (such as by brainstorming and choosing specific task orderings) and achieving those goals with more ease (such as by making allowances for random problems and peace with one’s coping strategies). Note that both the task of self-change, particularly involving psychological/emotional issues, and the task of setting and acting on goals can often be fraught with either difficult conversations or difficult thinking. Properly used, astrology helps one focus more intently on doing the thinking that is required while at the same time flipping the emotional tone to ease and joy. I now consider myself a professional astrologer, as of perhaps 2008, but I will never be conventionally certified.

TODO Tell how I stumbled into Energy Mysticism.
TODO Maybe I should write about how I am an atheist.

[1] I purposefully use a vague description here, ie “micro-weather patterns and possibly other signals” because the exact nature of these signals is not yet scientifically defined, and the signals are usually perceived differently by each person. The problem is that I wish to define a type of extrasensory perception that is accessible to me personally, but I want to describe what is true for a class of people like me and yet I am too new and overwhelmed by the area to be a completely reliable observer in this regard.

[2] Donna Eden and her husband have been touring the world since they wrote her first book together.

Donna Eden - 5 Min. Energy Routine
07:58 - 4 years ago
Donna Eden - 5 Min. Energy Routine Highly Recommendend Daily Exercises for the Human Energy Fields. See http://www.innersource.net/ for more information.

[3] As Dr. Ellen Kenner has said on many occasions, to solve psychological issues regarding yourself or others: “become a detective and pursue your clues.”

[4] Astrological opportunity periods, defined by Jim Shawvan, are brief times when it is easier to be calm while having a difficult conversation, for example.
Finding Opportunity Periods  by Jim Shawvan

Actual finish time: 9.33pm.

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