
A Perception's truth is not defined by collective assent, rather by evidence.

An important goal of mine is to help the two wonderful sets of ideas I  love, Objectivism and Energy Medicine (EEM), acknowledge each others' achievements. It is a tough sell to both sides!

David Feinstein aptly acknowledged the two sides. EEM practitioners, knowing the truth of their work in their results with clients, do not care about whether research does or does not prove them right. Regular science (in which I include Objectivism), on the other hand, sees no reason to care about a discipline whose actual metaphysics (perceptions) appears to have no basis in reality.

I sympathize with both sides, but not yet appreciated by either! I understand that, myself a few years ago would have dismissed the new me immediately. Today however, I read exciting news that a new book is coming out by a doctor whose EEM perceptions were documented simultaneously by medical technology. I will read it.

[]Newsweek advertises a new book on energy [my word] perceptions.
I’m still a doctor, and still a man of science every bit as much as I was before I had my experience. But on a deep level I’m very different from the person I was before, because I’ve caught a glimpse of this emerging picture of reality. And you can believe me when I tell you that it will be worth every bit of the work it will take us, and those who come after us, to get it right.

[]IgEem seminars on science
Cell biologist James Oschman, PhD, author of Energy Medicine (subtitled "The Scientific Basis") (2000).
Dr. Bruce Lipton, author of the books Biology of Belief and  Spontaneous Evolution. 

Suzanne Clegg 121019f>  Some illnesses are much more dire in prognosis than cancer. Cancer cases can have spontaneous remission.
[]For consideration for her [blog]

Front page 121020s has a video with the briefest introduction: the idea that cells differentiate because of their environment, not their genes; blood is the environment and it is controlled by one's thoughts.

How Grounding Affects Your Blood
Another very important discovery, and one of the most recent, is that grounding thins your blood, making it less viscous. This discovery can have a profound impact on cardiovascular disease, which is now the number one killer in the world. Virtually every aspect of cardiovascular disease has been correlated with elevated blood viscosity. Dr. Sinatra has been coaching Dr. Oschman's team in how to measure blood viscosity using a method called zeta potential. It measures the potential on your red blood cells by determining how fast they migrate in an electrical field.

Fun non-references
$2k January 2012 Australia cruise.

Blogger time is on PST!

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