
About The word "Cantique" and This blog.

Many years ago I had a newsletter called Cantique Connection, whose purpose was to publish news and social information for Objectivists (Ayn Rand fans). 

Its name was invented by me. I did quite a bit of research to discover what words existed that matched my sense of life, but none of the options were suitable. Instead, I invented my own word, based on the old English word "cantie", which I found in a lovely book, Lost Beauties of the English Language [1]. My defnition of "Cantique" was "A Cheerful and Productive Way of Life." The newsletter's purpose was to connect people who shared such a view of life, thus "Cantique Connection."

Times have changed! First of all, the internet will quickly show that my "discovery" was preceded many years by the French, who define a cantique as a reverent song. That is such a wonderful complement to my definition. Thus the word "cantique" means both the philosophy and the sense of life of a hero. (In my view, the philosophy of a hero is well described by Ayn Rand [2].)

Secondly, several of my major goals from that era were achieved: Objectivists have more of a benevolent universe outlook; more ability to find each other; and more outlets for publishing stories. My friends and community of Objectivists are far more cheerful today than ever before. There are even rare posts about good news in politics, bright spots! We all agree that the world is, in many ways, worse than before (eg far more regulation in the USA), but our outlook is better. We are also far more connected than ever before. Now that we have the internet, twitter, facebook, etc etc, all like-minded people can find each other faster than ever. The internet also enables us each to self-publish, to the degree of our abilities and desire. Of course, I like to think my newsletter had a part in the upswing, and it did. Many more thank you's deserve to go to the Ayn Rand Institute [3], whose essay contests [4] and marketing efforts have been dramatically successful. ARI's current President and Executive Director, Yaron Brook, is an excellent public speaker [5].

Thus, gone are those purposes on my part! This site is instead dedicated to sharing my own individual "news". I'll try to include any of my conversations in which I try to help change my little corner of the world by getting a "hmm" [6] every so often in everyday life. I might also occasionally post a blip about the news. 

It appears likely that my most significant contribution to the conversation is no longer directly with my Objectivist friends but rather in bringing Objectivism to my (new) Mystic friends! I think we can forge a strong agreement on the definition and moral value of properly upholding political freedom. Wish me luck, but be sure you do so on a new moon - this is a fresh start, don't you know? :) 


2. For details about the philosophy and a concrete example, try these links.
 What Is Romanticism?” The Romantic Manifesto, 100.
 The Romanticists did not present a hero as a statistical average, but as an abstraction of man’s  best and highest potentiality, applicable to and achievable by all men, in various degrees,  according to their individual choices.

4. If you have not read Atlas Shrugged, it is the kind of riveting tale that often changes a person's life.

5. Some of Dr. Brook's work is available in online video format.

UFM.edu - Interview with Yaron Brook
What is Capitalism?

Yaron Brook's Keynote Address at July 4 (2009) Boston Tea Party Protest (Part 1 of 2)
“Happy fourth. It’s a bit of a sad fourth; it’s a sad fourth because there’s a tea party going on. You know, we had a tea party once; Boston had a tea party. It should have been the last time this country had ever seen a tea party; because as a consequence of that tea party, this country - the greatest country in the history of man - was created.  That should have been it. We shouldn’t need this. This is tragic, this is sad, and we should be angry that we need a tea party today...”

6. Alas I do not think you can hear online the treatise on why the best one should hope for in a discussion with someone who initially disagrees with you is a "hmm."

Understanding Objectivism (CD) by Leonard Peikoff
If you are having difficulty understanding the philosophy of Ayn Rand—Dr. Peikoff helps you integrate her philosophy into your own knowledge. The course includes theory, demonstrations and exercises. Each lecture includes a Q & A session.
(Audio CD; 22-CD set; 26 hrs., 13 min.)

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